
WARNING: “Phantom Voters” Registered In Key Swing States Could Cost Trump The 2024 Election — OAN VIDEO

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There are 558,876 phantom voters on the Georgia voter rolls. Joe Biden took Georgia in 2020 by less than 11,779 votes.

This report ran on One America News this week. There is currently not enough being done to take on the Democrats’ mass manufacturing of phantom voters.

The Gateway Pundit will continue to report on this major issue being ignored by the GOP brass and Trump Campaign’s top advisers.

Lindsey Adams: New findings about the 2024 elections from a former California State Assemblyman who’s been in politics for 40 years, who tells me, vote or fraud in the upcoming elections could ruin Donald Trump’s chances of being reelected due to Democrats, Registering Illegal Immigrants to Processing Center addresses in Swing States.