
Pelosi Dodges Questions on Leading Coup to Oust Joe Biden from Race – Then Says Old Joe Should be on Mount Rushmore

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Pelosi insists Joe Biden is a Mount Rushmore type of president. Good grief.

Nancy Pelosi went on 60 Minutes to lie to the nation about her role in the coup to remove Joe Biden from the 2024 race. Then in the same interview she insisted that she has seen no signs of Old Joe’s mental decline.

Then finally Pelosi argued that Joe Biden should be on Mount Rushmore!… Maybe she likes his Marxist tendencies to jail the political opposition?

The woman’s lies could be scripted by Satan himself.

Lesley Stahl questioned Pelosi in a typical fluff piece. It’s not clear when Pelosi received the questions.

Via 60 Minutes and Western Lensman.

STAHL: Please tell us what you told President Biden to persuade him to step aside.