
FINANCIAL CRISIS? Turmoil in Global Stock Markets as Japan, Taiwan Plunge By Record Margins

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There are growing fears about the prospect of a recession or even more serious financial crash as stock markets continue to fall.

Japan’s Nikkei 225 Index lost a staggering 4,451 points on Monday, a drop of approximately 12 percent. This also marked a 25 percent drop since July.

No, this isn’t a crypto meme coin…

It’s the Japanese stock market. pic.twitter.com/EsZW6nKT1F

— Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) August 5, 2024

Meanwhile, South Korea’s stock market fell by nearly nine percent, while India’s tumbled just under three percent. Taiwan similarly experienced its worst day for 57 years, while crypto makrets have also suffered heavy losses.

There are likely a myriad of reasons behind the downturn,