
Senator Dick Durbin ‘Deeply Disappointed’ Plea Deal Sparing Lives of 9/11 Masterminds Was Revoked

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Credit: John Kennedy Twitter screenshot

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revoked a plea deal reached between the Convening Authority for Military Commissions and three September 11 masterminds.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., however, is “deeply disappointed” and urged Austin to reinstate the deal.

Under the original deal, signed by retired Brig. Gen. Susan K. Escallier, the defendants—Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, would have avoided the death penalty.

Yemeni Walid Bin Attash (left), Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (center), and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (right) (Credit: Valuetainment)

Following intense blowback, including from family members of the victims of the terror attack that killed almost 3,000 Americans,