
Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal: Democrat Elite and Military-Industrial Complex — The Real Puppet Masters Behind Biden and Harris

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Screenshot: Chris Williamson/Youtube

In a recent episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast hosted by Chris Williamson, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard shed light on a chilling reality: the U.S. government is being controlled by an unelected, powerful cabal.

During her conversation with Williamson, Gabbard laid out a detailed narrative about the hidden power structures she believes are pulling the strings in Washington.

According to her, the real decision-makers are not President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris but rather a shadowy group of Democrat elites, military-industrial complex beneficiaries, and national security state officials.

Gabbard identified prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of this elite group.