
Why Did Kamala’s Handlers Pick Gov. Walz? — Here’s a Close Look at His Radical Policies That Places Him to the Left of Kamala Harris

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Tim Walz looked the other way when leftist rioters torched the Twin Cities in the George Floyd riots.

On Tuesday morning the Democrat Party elites announced the white bread Governor Tim Walz was selected as Kamala Harris’s running mate.

Why Tim Walz? Well, the answer is obvious. Walz has a record that is remarkably to the left of even Kamala Harris.

Tim Walz was one of the worst, most restrictive governors during the COVID years.

Walz oversaw the worst Covid fraud in America. Minnesota Somali’s stole $250 million in government money and he covered for them. No one fired. But that’s not all. Walz covered for the Somali’s in the recent autism fraud scandal,