
Kamala and Tampon Tim Are Caught Astroturfing Support – Paying Social Media Users to Post Pro Kamala-Walz Content on Instagram

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What a shock!

The Kamala-Walz campaign was caught today astroturfing their grassroots support. Everyone knows Kamala Harris, the worst vice president in US history, has no wide support from the American people – especially after the Biden coup!

But this won’t stop Democrats from buying the appearance of support! Just like they buy votes.

State Senator Jake Hoffman from Arizona posted evidence that Democrats are reaching out to social media users to pay them to say nice things about Kamala and Tampon Tim.

Senator Hoffman posted the proof. Kamala’s campaign worker, Alicia Howard, sent out letters to Instagram users to pay them for supporting her campaign.

The email reads in part:

Over a series of three posts,