
Bombshell: FBI Itself Allowed Would-Be Trump Killer Into Country, Said He Was ‘Polite’

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Do Americans have any reason to trust the FBI?

The once-vaunted reputation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been in tatters for years among conservatives — since well before its deep-state warfare against Donald Trump and his supporters became public knowledge.

But a report this week about the bureau’s dealings with a man arrested in July in a potential Trump assassination plot linked to Iran just made things a good deal worse.

According to Just the News, FBI counterterrorism agents interviewed Pakistani national Asif Raza Merchant in April when he landed at George Bush International Airport in Houston.

“The immigration records from his arrival in Houston on April 13 clearly stated in bright red that he was flagged by the Department of Homeland Security database with the identifier ‘WATCH LIST and denoted as a ‘Lookout Qualified Person of Interest,’” Just the News reported.