
Kamala’s Illegals Used Exact Same Answer on 10,000 Parole Applications, Rubber-Stamped Anyway

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Fears of fraud have put the brakes on a Biden-Harris administration program that functions as a superhighway bringing immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela into America.

A report from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services “to identify patterns, trends, and potential fraud indicators,” led to the program, known as CHNV for the first initials of the nations covered, being put on pause, according to a report on the website of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

FAIR said that the report showed “the use of fake Social Security Numbers (SSNs), including SSNs of deceased individuals, and the use of false phone numbers.” In fact, it said, “24 of the 1,000 most used sponsor SSNs belong to a deceased individual.”

FAIR wrote that obviously fake Social Security Numbers were often used by sponsors “such as ‘111111111’ or ‘123456789’ or ‘666666666’ — proving that fraudulent data was being brazenly provided to the government.”

The USCIS report also showed that some addresses were used over and over by multiple applicants.