
Embarrassing: When Stephen Colbert Tells Kaitlan Collins CNN is Objective, Audience Erupts in Laughter “Is That Supposed to be a Laugh Line?” (Video)

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The audience erupts in laughter when Stephen Colbert tells Kaitlin Collins CNN is ‘objective.’/Image: Video screenshot.

Even Late Night Show host Stephen Colbert’s liberal audience knows CNN is a joke populated by partisan hacks carrying the water of far-left, radical democrats.

Apparently, that news came as a bit of a shock for Colbert and his guest, CNN’s notorious Trump hater Kaitlan Collins.

Kaitlan Collins: Trump has been thrown on his heels by this, and he’s not really sure how to go after Vice President Harris.

He knew his attack lines on President Biden. He really has struggled with how to go after someone who’s 20 years younger than him, who is a different gender, a different race.