
Gold Medalist Turns Olympic News Conference Into Worship Concert, Sings Powerful Praise to Jesus

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Gold medalist Yemisi Ogunleye used her time during a news conference to sing praises to God and share her faith.

Gold medalist Yemisi Ogunleye used her time during a news conference to sing praises to God and share her faith.

At its core, professing the Christian faith means believing with all our heart that God brings light out of darkness.

Thus, it should not surprise us when we see it happen, but it still has the power to amaze.

At a press conference on Friday at the woke and blasphemous Olympics in Paris, gold medalist Yemisi Ogunleye of Germany responded to a moderator’s question by breaking into a gospel song in praise of Jesus.

To his credit, the moderator prompted Ogunleye with a question seemingly designed to call forth a worshipful hymn.

“Yemi, is it true you sing in the gospel choir?” he asked.

When she replied in the affirmative,