
A Legal Opportunity to Hold Senior DOD Officials Accountable for the Wrongs Committed to Service Members

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Current and former service members are being encouraged to take civil action against Defense Department officials who have wronged them.

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Lt. Col. Ryan Sweazey (USAF-Ret.), the founder of Walk the Talk Foundation (WTTF), an organization that advocates for and defends military whistleblowers. The organization is actively seeking current and former service members who were wronged by a senior Department of Defense(DOD) official (rank of O-5 (Lt. Colonel/Commander) or higher, or civil service member rank of GS-14 or higher, or member of the Senior Executive Service (SES)).

For those who were damaged, whether personally or with regard to their career, WTTF has provided a questionnaire that’s available online for those interested in being considered for selection to “Operation Military In-Justice,” Sweazey told The Gateway Pundit.