
Trust Fund Professional Agitator Only Facing Misdemeanor Trespassing Charge for Storming and Occupying Columbia University Building

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James Carlson/Image: @HANKonX/X

When NYPD began arresting protestors at Columbia University during anti-Israel protests, it confirmed what anyone with eyes knows.

Anti-Israel protests on college campuses and across the country are infiltrated and populated by outside forces and supported by professional agitators.

One such alleged agitator, James Carlson, was arrested inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall after a group stormed the building, smashed windows, and fortified their position by barricading doors and covering windows, effectively taking control of the academic building.

A Columbia facilities worker recounted the harrowing experience of being held against his will by the protesters and told the Columbia Spectator, “They held me hostage.”

A Columbia University janitor slammed Carlson against the wall during his siege on the building.