
Parking Lot Full of Self-Driving Cars Turns Into Nightmare Situation for Neighbors: ‘Absurd’

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This X screen shot posted Aug. 13 shows a Waymo parking lot where automated cars are honking at each other and disrupting local residents.

This X screen shot posted Aug. 13 shows a Waymo parking lot where automated cars are honking at each other and disrupting local residents.

In movies, the attack of autonomous creations to destroy humanity comes with spectacular drama.

In San Francisco, it is just a beeping, endless string of sleepless nights.

“Over the past two weeks I’ve been woken up more times overnight than I have combined over 20 years,” San Francisco resident Russell Pofsky said, according to KGO-TV.

“It’s just really, really… it’s tough. It affects the way you feel,” Pofsky said.

The culprit is a parking lot where Waymo autonomous vehicles are parked. Waymo advertises itself as an “autonomous driving technology” that it claims helps people navigate the streets of San Francisco safely.

But at night, Waymo vehicles honk at one another,