
Pro-Israel Democrat Senator John Fetterman Will NOT Attend DNC Convention in Chicago

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Sen. John Fetterman appeared on CNN's Sen. John Fetterman appeared on CNN's Sen. John Fetterman appeared on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper” earlier this year, where he defended his position that America needs a secure border.

Senator John Fetterman announced this week that he will not attend the DNC Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

Fetterman, a rare Democrat who is staunchly pro-Israel, would have likely faced thousands of far-left anti-Semitic protesters in Chicago this week.

Senator Fetterman told Peter Savodnik at The Free Press that he will not be attending the conference and will reportedly spend time with his kids.

The DNC was warned before the start of its conference this week that 100,000 pro-Hamas agitators are in Chicago and will be holding protests daily against the Democrat Party’s policies of supporting Israel.