
INGRASSIA: DNC’s Opening Night — A Pathetically Sad Display For A Party Quickly Headed For Oblivion

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The specter of 82-year-old Biden opening a half-empty Democratic National Convention alongside 76-year-old Hillary Clinton, whose obvious envy of the prospect that not she but another woman would be coronated Democratic nominee was a pathetic, borderline tragic, display of the party that once produced such giants like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy.

Now, after having been browbeaten into submission, Joe Biden has formally passed the baton – though against his will – to a woman who has never been democratically elected to any significant post in her political career.

For her part, Clinton, looking quite haggard herself, also cut the image of someone resigned to her fate in Democratic circles trying to pretend she will not go down as the greatest loser in history.