
Javier Milei’s Government Protects Children from Gender Ideology and Bans Inclusive Language in the Armed Forces

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Children’s Day in Argentina is unique compared to other countries, as it originated with a group of Argentinians led by Enrique Trucco, the founder of the toy store Truquito, with the goal of donating toys to hospitals, schools, and orphanages.

As part of this year’s celebration, the government under President Javier Milei published a video with a strong message against “those who promote gender ideology.” The Casa Rosada, the government’s official residence, also shared a post on Twitter stating, “Our purpose is for all children to grow up in a healthy and safe environment, far from those who promote gender ideology, which threatens their integrity.”

The government emphasized its stance on distancing itself from the previous Kirchner administration by focusing on protecting children from ideological influences it considers harmful.