
How Redesign of AZ’s Voter Registration Forms By Dem SOS Fontes Will Reportedly Pad Voter Rolls with Illegal Aliens

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By now, most Americans are aware that the biggest threat to our elections is the padding of the voter rolls with fake names, deceased voters, voters who’ve moved, ghost voters that don’t exist, and the newest and most significant threat to our elections in 2024 and beyond—illegal aliens whose names, thanks to dirty tricks by Democrat lawmakers and secretaries of state, will appear on voter rolls across America.

MI SOS Jocelyn Benson-Ghost voters

The Gateway Pundit has revealed multiple ways in which Michigan’s dirty SOS Jocelyn Benson has fought to keep unqualified or dead voters on Michigan’s voter rolls from 2020 to the upcoming November 2024 election. The RNC recently filed a lawsuit against the Soros-funded SOS after it was discovered that 53 of Michigan’s 83 counties have more active registered voters than citizens over 18 years old.