
Oath Keepers Attorney Kellye SoRelle Pleads Guilty to J6 ‘Crimes’ – Here’s the Real Story Behind Her Horrific Suffering and How the Biden Regime Locked Her Up in a Psych Ward to Prevent Her from Talking

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Former Oath Keepers Attorney Kellye SoRelle

On Wednesday, Kellye SoRelle, the former attorney for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, pleaded guilty to charges related to the January 6, protests and riot.

The Associated Press reported the news – but sadly, it was another typical disgusting AP propaganda piece filled with lies and half-truths.

SoRelle pleaded guilty to two crimes – one felony and one misdemeanor.

The alleged felony she committed was that SoRelle the vague accusation that she obstructed justice – a complete lie.
The misdemeanor was for standing outside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Standing outside the US Capitol was deemed a crime by the Biden regime—these are the same people who are running on “freedom” and “democracy” this year.