
While Kiev’s Adventure in Russia’s Kursk Is Ongoing, Its Defenses in Donetsk Are Folding, and Putin May Soon Be Victorious in Key Region of the War

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Russian victories in Donetsk keep coming in fast successsion.

The Ukrainian cross-border incursion into Russia’s Kursk region has yielded spectacular PR results for the Kiev regime, creating an image of success that was completely lacking in last year’s failed summer counteroffensive.

But it is also true that, from a strictly military strategy standpoint, the adventure will not generate any game-changing momentum on the ground that would reverse Moscow’s upper hand in the ‘special military operation’.

In fact, much to the contrary, diverting that much manpower and equipment to this operation has further weakened the already depleted Donetsk defenses to a point where Russian Federation forces can now see the ‘final’ goal in sight.

Donetsk may soon be conquered.  » READ MORE