
IT WAS A BUST: MYSTERY GUEST STILL A MYSTERY… DNC Teased News of a Secret Guest Speaker on Final Night of DNC Convention – But Nobody Showed Up

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Evidently, Satan was busy.

Democrats teased a prominent surprise guest was going to speak on Thursday night, during the finale of the Democrat National Convention.

We all knew it wasn’t Joe Biden, they pushed the sitting president to late night on Monday and then he split town.

Oprah already shot her wad on Wednesday complaining about how hard life has been for this multi-billionaire.

Mooch and Barack hit the stage earlier in the week.

There were rumblings online that it was Taylor Swift, Beyonce, or George W. Bush.

In the end – there was no surprise speaker. The surprise was on Kamala and the Democrats.

Here is our earlier reporting on the surprise speaker…

The 2024 DNC in Chicago is set to culminate on Thursday night with Kamala Harris poised to deliver the most critical speech of her political career as she officially accepts the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.