
The Last Commander: Afghan Lieutenant General Sami Sadat Shares Exerpt from New Book on the War in Afghanistan and the Disasterous Withdrawal by the Biden-Harris Administration

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Lieutenant General Sami Sadat

When America retreated from Kabul amid chaos in 2021, Lieutenant General Sami Sadat, the last commander of the army of the Afghan Republic, was still fighting to the end.

Sadat’s firsthand account of the disastrous withdrawal and the failures of the Biden-Harris administration are recounted in his new book, The Last Commander.

Sadat has shared an excerpt from the book with The Gateway Pundit.

Chapter 1: Two Betrayals (2021)

A week before the fall of Afghanistan in 2021 I was still holding Helmand, the province the Taliban most wanted to take, while the rest of the country collapsed. I was ordered back to Kabul,