
Biden-Harris DOJ Attacks Programs That Restrict Housing Options for Criminals

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This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

Feds threatening to sue local governments, law enforcement agencies across the country that have implemented measures to curb an epidemic of crime, drugs and gang violence in rental properties.

Housing security programs that limit options for criminals are unfair, target minorities, and must be dismantled, according to the Biden-Harris Department of Justice.

Kristen Clarke, the controversial appointee who got into trouble after falsely claiming to the U.S. Senate she never had been arrested, deliberately omitting her record from a domestic disturbance, claims programs that aim to keep crime out of housing developments are wrong.

A report from Judicial Watch explains the Biden-Harris duo is “threatening – and has sued – local governments and law enforcement agencies across the country “that have implemented measures to curb an epidemic of crime,