
CPAC México: What to Expect and Why It’s Important

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On August 24th, the world’s largest conservative convention is being held in a Hispanic nation: CPAC Mexico. The event brings together prominent figures united in the fight for life, country, and family, and against the progressive agenda that threatens them. Gateway Hispano spoke with René Bolio, the director of CPAC Mexico, to learn more details.


Rene Bolio es Presidente de la Comisión Mexicana de Derechos Humanos. Abogado, profesor, activista por la libertad.
Conferencista y articulista conservador.#FREEDOMFIGHTERS pic.twitter.com/CBgohjIiI1

— CPAC México (@CPACMexico) August 7, 2024

What is the Purpose of CPAC Mexico?

The purpose of CPAC Mexico is multifaceted.