
Why Hispanics Can Save America, Just as They Once Did

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The independence of the United States was not achieved solely through battles like Pensacola or Mobile. Nevertheless, those battles, led by Spanish General and governor of Louisiana Bernardo de Gálvez, were of great importance. The truth is that men like Gálvez, Gardoqui, Córdova, Saavedra, Unzaga, Miralles, Leyba, and many others established an entire structure to harass the British from the Caribbean to the Mississippi. This translated from naval to commercial efforts, supplying Anglo-American colonists with all kinds of provisions and securing important victories inland.

This complex strategy was successful thanks to the economic sacrifice of many parts of the Hispanic Monarchy, from Málaga to Havana, with the participation of soldiers from present-day Spain, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic,