
“Bi-Partisan” NGO Group with Ties to Soros and Southern Poverty Law Center Threatens GOP Senators from Highlighting the Epidemic of Dirty Voter Rolls and Bogus Registrations Numbering in the Hundreds of Thousands

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Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America.com

On Sunday morning, the Fractal team received a call from a U.S. senator noting the Keep Our Republic organization was threatening that if senators did not back down from claiming voter rolls were “dirty” these senators would have this “good government” group fight their re-election.

Keep Our Republic claims to be “a non-partisan civic education organization with a unique focus on the unconventional threats facing our election system, and on ways to help strengthen trust in our electoral system.”  However, the organizational leadership team is a who’s who of prominent Democrats and outspoken RINOs.

We are all about good government and even more about helping groups like Keep Our Republic “strengthen trust in the election system.”  Their words.