
Kamala Harris’s Inflation Reduction Act: A Costly Flop That Fails Middle-Class Americans

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Communist Kamala Harris calls for redistribution and equality of outcome.
The Inflation Reduction Act’s Promises

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, championed by Democrats, promised to fix our economy with incentives like a 30% tax credit for energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and windows. But these solutions come with sky-high upfront costs that average American families can’t afford.

Instead of addressing inflation, this bill benefits the wealthy, who can use these credits, while ordinary households face tighter budgets. Rather than easing financial pressure, this legislation represents costly government overreach that fails to deliver real relief.

The Reality of Inflation and Economic Impact

Despite the Inflation Reduction Act’s promises, inflation has remained a significant issue. In July 2023,