
2,700 Cuban Doctors Sent to Mexico: A Continuation of Labor Exploitation

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The arrival of 2,700 Cuban doctors in Mexico has sparked significant debate not only about the quality of medical care provided but also about the ethical and economic implications of their hiring. This situation is part of a long-standing practice by the Cuban regime, which has been sending medical brigades to various countries as a form of «international solidarity» for decades. However, these missions have increasingly been criticized due to the inhumane conditions faced by the healthcare professionals involved.

#Nacional Anuncian llegada de 2 mil 700 médicos cubanos a México https://t.co/SgkkWVsLkT

— Oro Noticias Puebla (@OroNoticiasPue) July 20, 2024

According to recent reports, Cuban doctors sent abroad receive only between 10% and 25% of the salaries paid by host countries,