
First American-Sent F-16 Fighter Jet Destroyed in Ukraine, Killing Veteran Pilot – Kiev Source Suggests Plane Was Struck by Friendly Fire From Patriot Air Defense System

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Wunderwaffen is down.

Awaited since May 2023, the F-16 fighter planes were the last in a series of ‘wonder weapons’ that were expected to turn the tide of the war in Ukraine – but did not.

While it’s shocking in itself that the much-awaited plane would be destroyed in its very first mission, when we investigate how it could have happened, it becomes even more disturbing.

The incident occurred during the August 26th mass air raid over Ukraine, where Geranium drones and a variety of missiles – including supersonic Khinzals – brought destruction to all regions of Ukraine.

The Russian Federation sources claim the plane was hit on the ground during refueling – probably preparing to scramble out of harm’s way.