
Here’s What You Missed in Kamala Harris’ Trainwreck Edited Interview with Chaperone Tim Walz on CNN

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Credit: CNN

In the latest attempt to hoodwink the American public, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz sat down with Dana Bash for what was supposed to be a transparent interview about their policies and plans if Harris were to ascend to the presidency.

Instead, what unfolded was a masterclass in political double-speak, half-truths, and outright lies, all carefully curated to mislead voters.

Kamala Harris made it clear during the interview that she has no intention of moderating her extreme positions. When asked if her values had changed, she proudly declared, “My values have not changed.” And that’s exactly the problem.

Harris’s values include support for mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, ending cash bail for criminals, decriminalizing illegal border crossings,