
Tomorrow’s Election in Eastern Germany Shows AfD Surging, as the Globalist Parties’ ‘Firewall’ To Isolate the Right Wingers Is Crumbling

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In the run-up to tomorrow’s state elections in the Eastern part of Germany, the mainstream globalist parties and the media are aligned in a panic over the population’s preference for the right wing AfD party, endlessly plotting ways to keep them out of power.

It’s been 35 years that the Berlin Wall fell, and on the east side of the old ‘iron curtain’, the AfD is surging.

Politico reported:

“Ahead of three state elections across eastern Germany this September — including in Saxony and Thuringia this Sunday — the once-fringe party is polling first or close to first in all contests. That success is due to the party’s increasingly deep roots in small towns across the east like Großschirma,