
The Collapse of International Socialism: Ortega Slams Petro and Lula as Lackeys Over Venezuela’s Election Dispute

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On Monday, Nicaragua’s leader attacked Brazil’s Lula and Colombia’s Petro for their controversial stances on the Venezuelan elections, accusing them of being “groveling governments” for not recognizing Maduro’s victory and instead advocating for a democratic political agreement to establish peace in Venezuela.

In response, Petro replied to Daniel Ortega on the social platform ‘X’ with: “At least I don’t drag down human rights.”

Gustavo Petro responde al dictador Daniel Ortega: “Al menos no arrastro los derechos humanos del pueblo de mi país y menos los de mis compañeros de armas y de lucha contra las dictaduras”. pic.twitter.com/kF3joh0hIF

— NicaraguaActual (@NicaraguaActual) August 27, 2024

Ortega expressed on Monday that Gustavo Petro of Colombia and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil,