
Alliance Defending Freedom Announces Its Stand with Brazilians in Fight Against Censorship – Will Go to Inter-American Court of Human Rights to Reverse Censorship by Justice Moraes in Brazil

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The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) petitioned the Inter American Commission on Human Rights to reverse the censorship in Brazil initiated by communist Justice Alexandre de Moraes to eliminate X social media in the country.

The international human rights organization ADF stated it stands with Brazilians in the fight “against censorship” and will go to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to try to reverse the situation in Brazil.

As reported last week, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes suspended Twitter/X in Brazil on Friday, marking a new chapter on escalating authoritarianism in the country.

Moraes summoned Elon Musk directly on the social network, demanding he appoint a representative of the big tech company in Brazil.