
Slimy Texas Democrat Lectures Christian Trump Supporters – Claims They’re Ignoring Jesus and Worshipping Trump (VIDEO)

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James Talarico is a Democrat Texas rep. and a ‘progressive’ Christian.

During a recent appearance on MSNBC, he lectured Christians who support Trump, complaining that they are ignoring Jesus and worshipping at the feet of Donald Trump. That’s not very Christian of him, is it?

Apparently no one has explained to Talarico that many Christians support Trump because he respects their beliefs, unlike the left which does nothing but demean and insult Christians.

From Twitchy:

Listen to how he tells MSNBC he voting for Kamala Harris over the impeached insurrectionist, convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist Donald Trump “out of love for his neighbor.”

So what he’s saying, then, is that Harris is free of sin.