
WAYNE ROOT: President Trump, Here is How to Super-Charge “No Tax on Tips” and “No Tax on Social Security,” and Add 50 Million More Voters!

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By Wayne Allyn Root

Winning this election is about addition, not subtraction.

According to betting sites, President Trump has now moved to the odds-on favorite- a fantastic sign. And according to most polls, President Trump now has the lead in most, or all of the battleground states.

The three polls that are consistently most accurate- Democracy Institute, Rasmussen and Trafalgar- all show Trump ahead and moving in the right direction. The latest Democracy poll out on Friday shows Trump up by 3 points nationally, but most importantly, up 5 points in battleground states. That would result in an electoral landslide.

All of that is great news.

But we all know how much Democrats cheat.