
Politico Reveals Evidence of Election Hacking “Blind Spot” in “Six-Month-Long Investigation” – Russian Server Connections and Ukrainian National Anthem Found in Code

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On November 12, 2020, just nine days after the 2020 Presidential Election, CISA, the National Secretaries of State, and the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council told us the 2020 election was “the most secure in American history.”  Nine days later.

Of course, we have known about and reported on the vulnerabilities in the elections systems, whether it was a Michigan-based software firm that allegedly sent our data over to China, Iranians hacking into voter rolls in Florida, or Serbian programmers reportedly being utilized to write code for voting machines, among other issues.  All of this while being called “conspiracy theorists” and labeled by Establishment “fact-checkers” as “mis-, dis- and mal-information.”

BREAKING “Dominion CEO John Poulos directed staff to conceal that Dominion has Serbian and Chinese employees operating out of its Canadian office and that these employees are directly involved the US elections,