
Jerome Corsi: Oklahoma Added to the List of States with Irregularities in Board of Election Voter Registration Databases Suspected of Fraud

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Guest post by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.


TULSA, OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma has now been added to the list of states in which Andrew Pacquette, Ph.D., has raised serious voter integrity questions in recent results in the Tulsa mayoral race. The states currently on GodsFiveStones list include New York, New Jersey, and Ohio.

In a highly suspicious August 27 run-off mayoral election in Tulsa, two relatively inexperienced political operatives with pedigree-quality, radically woke Democratic Party credentials beat a conservative Republican CPA, attorney, businessman, and pastor with a long history of community service, in Oklahoma, by the narrowest possible margins

Paquette has charged that State Board of Elections official voter registration databases may contain cryptographic codes of intelligence agency complexity that enable rogue actors to obtain official state voter ID numbers for non-existent fraudulently created voters in an apparently criminal scheme designed to facilitate the certification of fraudulent mail-in votes.