
Some Military Leaders Support a ‘Highly Partisan and Leftist Ideology’ Culture That’s Not Only Unabashedly Anti-Conservative but Also Anti-Trump

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Image: Wikimedia Commons (Donald Trump Signs 2018 EO)

Rather than focusing on building better soldiers and leaders for warfighting, some commanders of the U.S. Army are using their time to attack conservatives and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Army officer Justin Williamson (a pseudonym) who reached out to the author to disclose “the highly partisan and leftist ideology that has become prevalent in the past four years.”

In recent years, Williamson witnessed “the behind-the-scenes workings of political bias being exercised by senior leaders.” He said, “There are significant examples as they relate to the leadership professional development (LPD) process, which is supposed to mentor and train junior soldiers to be effective leaders, but is instead used to push social and political agendas.”

Rather than addressing fundamental issues of Army leadership or matters that are of concern to a military professional,