
BEYOND PARODY: NPR Reports That ‘Eco-Chaplains’ Are Helping People Process Their ‘Climate Grief’

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National Public Radio has a new story out this week about ‘Eco-Chaplains’ who are apparently tasked with helping people work through their ‘climate grief’ whatever that is.

If you needed any further proof that Climate Change is a religion for the left, this is pretty much a confirmation.

Isn’t it great that our tax dollars subsidize this hard-hitting journalism?

FOX News reports:

‘Eco-chaplains’ are helping individuals process their ‘climate grief’: NPR report

A new spiritual movement is growing, one designed to help people deal with their negative feelings about the planet being threatened by climate change. That’s according to a report from NPR.

Dubbed “eco-chaplains,” these novel spiritual leaders are being trained to meet a growing need to address “grief,