
Bolivia’s Economic Crisis Endangers Lives as Soaring Medication Prices Threaten Chronic Patients: The Impact of Arce’s Socialist Policies

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Bolivia’s economic crisis has reached a critical stage, with the most vulnerable sectors, including chronic patients who depend on essential medications, being severely impacted. The skyrocketing prices of medications, driven by the shortage of dollars in the country, have put the lives of thousands at risk, as many can no longer afford the drugs they need.

#Visión360 | Los medicamentos para enfermos crónicos en Bolivia suben de precio por la crisis económica#Bolivia #Saludhttps://t.co/s2XisoNADE

— Visión 360 (@vision360_bo) August 13, 2024

Medications for Chronic Patients in Bolivia Increase in Price Due to Economic Crisis

Since 2023, Bolivia has been grappling with a worsening currency crisis,