
Dr. Ben Carson Says of Tuesday’s Presidential Debate “I Think It’s Gonna Be One of the Most Consequential Debates Ever” (VIDEO)

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Dr. Ben Carson on Fox “Sunday Morning Futures” September 8th, 2024

Dr. Ben Carson appeared on Fox “Sunday Morning Futures” with guest host Jason Chaffetz to discuss the upcoming Presidential debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris.

“What do you think is gonna happen with this debate Tuesday night?” Chaffetz asked.

“I think it’s gonna be one of the most consequential debates ever because people will finally get a chance to hear from Kamala Harris, what she believes. And all this business about flip-flopping, you have to wonder if she has really flip- flopped because she said that her values have not changed. So what kind of values are we talking about? You know values that as the DA in San Francisco led to a policy where people can go into stores and take $900 worth of stuff with little or no consequences,” Dr.