
If You Think It’s Okay to Kill People in Order to Get Rich, You’re on Their Side” – Tucker Carlson Responds to the Cheney Clan Endorsing Kamala Harris (VIDEO)

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Dick Cheney endorsed his terrible daughter who lost in a landslide.

On Friday, former US Vice President Dick Cheney, a leading government warmonger, announced that he was endorsing Kamala Harris for president.

The last prominent politician he endorsed was his terrible daughter Liz Cheney who lost her primary in Wyoming in a landslide.

On Saturday night Tucker Carlson responded to this news during a speech in Colorado Springs with Tulsi Gabbard.

in Colorado Tucker Carlson speaks about the Cheney clan and their neocon left besties.

Tucker Carlson: Maybe you haven’t checked your phone today to see that Dick Cheney and his horrible daughter have endorsed Kamala Harris.

Dick Cheney. Now, why is that?