
Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Trump’s Debate Prep-“He’ll Go in Game Time Ready Just as he Does for Every Interview, Every Rally That He Does. This is Not Something That is a Heavy Lift for Him.” (VIDEO)

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Republican Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders on “This Week” on ABC September 8th, 2024

Republican Governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was on “This Week” on ABC earlier Sunday with host Jon Karl to discuss the upcoming Presidential debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris.

“How is the former President preparing for this? What’s your sense, you’ve been with him before big moments. He likes to say he doesn’t need to prepare for a debate, but what is he doing?” Jon Karl asked.

“The biggest way that he does that is by traveling around the country and actually talking to voters. He takes questions from the press on a regular basis. So I think everyday is debate prep for Donald Trump.