
Chinese Spy Lover Eric Swalwell Has a Complete Meltdown on the House Hearing Over Trump Cat Memes

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Eric Swalwell had complete meltdown on the House hearing over Trump cat memes

Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell went on a fiery rant during a House Judiciary Committee hearing over memes featuring President Trump hugging ducks and kittens.

The memes, which were inspired by ongoing frustrations about the Biden-Harris border crisis, especially in towns like Springfield, Ohio, portrayed Trump as a protector of America’s beloved animals, while jabbing at the chaos brought on by open-border policies.

The Judiciary Committee was addressing the Biden administration’s failure to secure the southern border—a crisis that has overwhelmed small American towns, leading to widespread concern.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, the situation in Springfield reached a boiling point when citizens accused Haitian migrants of grotesque crimes,