
Democratic Primary in Potential Swing District Turns ‘Brutally Ugly,’ Causing Major Party Division

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A combustible mix of personalities and politics is causing a rift between Democrats in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District.

The seat has been safely in the hands of Democrat Ann McLane Kuster for the past six terms, according to Politico.

But the race to succeed her has become “brutally ugly,” Politico opined, as Colin Van Ostern, a former Kuster staffer, fends of a challenge from Maggie Goodlander, who happens to be the wife of White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

The candidates have dueled over abortion, with each trying to paint the other as less supportive of one of the Democratic Party’s most revered of issues.

Kuster launched an ad saying Goodlander “gave thousands to pro-life Republicans.”
