
INGRASSIA: Potentially Tens, If Not Hundreds, Of Thousands Of Ineligible Voters On Undisclosed Voter Rolls In Crucial Battleground States Like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan: It’s Time For The RNC To Pursue Offensive Strategy With Counter-Lawfare

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There’s much to be cautiously optimistic about down this homestretch of the campaign season, with President Trump’s poll numbers widening almost by the day now over Kamala Harris, whose manufactured honeymoon period now appears to be in the distant past.

As such, just eight weeks out from November 5th, it’s due time to shift our collective focus to the integrity of the electoral process itself.

The mantra by the Trump campaign all year long has naturally been “too big to rig” – in other words, flood the ballots with so many Trump voters as to overcome even 2020-levels of fraud.

That said, however, there are some troublesome developments that Democrats will double and triple down with backdoor methods of electioneering.