
Seattle Times Tries to Fact Check Trump on Seattle Rioters Taking Over Portion of Seattle in 2020, Gets Fact Checked by Community Notes

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Warlord of CHAZ and Insurrectionist Raz Simone

The Seattle Times was destroyed by X’s community notes feature on Thursday after sharing an article titled, “Trump falsely claims CHOP protesters took over a big part of Seattle.”

Trump, during his debate with Kamala Harris on September 10, noted that radical BLM protestors in the summer of 2020 “went into Seattle, they took over a big percentage of the city of Seattle.” Not even the leftist moderators refuted his claims in their many one-sided fact-checks against Trump mid-debate.

Once again, Trump was debating the other candidate as well as the moderators. But since that failed, the media is coming in to lay more cover for the Democrats.

Elon Musk reacted to the success of community notes at combatting the real disinformation from the left with an emoji,