
I Was President Trump’s Opening Speaker at His Vegas Rally. Here’s What I Said That Made the Crowd of 6,000+ Go Wild! Hint: This Election is About the Cats and Dogs! (VIDEO)

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Wayne Allyn Root

By Wayne Allyn Root

What a past few days I’ve had. It has been a whirlwind!

On Friday of last week, I was honored to be chosen by President Trump to open his Las Vegas rally in front of 6,000+ patriots and Trump warriors.

Then on Saturday, I was honored and blessed to enjoy my 16thinterview with President Trump. This one was special- it was my first-ever, exclusive, face-to-face TV interview, at President Trump’s hotel suite at Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.

I’ll write about the interview later this week. First, I’d like to share what I said and learned at the large Trump rally. Like President Trump, I like to test out policies,