
EUROPE AGAINST MASS MIGRATION: Sweden Now Offers $34K for Third-World Illegals to Self-Deport

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Gypsy camp in Malmo, Sweden.

As the whole of Europe turns against unchecked mass migration, even lenient Sweden is shifting its filed migrant policies to tackle the veritable catastrophe that the influx of illegals has wrought on its society.

The decade of open arms welcoming of unvetted people by the hundreds of thousands have cost dearly for the Swedes, with violence spiking and the city of Malmo now deserving the title of ‘rape capital of Europe’.

But now, Sweden is reportedly ‘radically changing its migrant policies’, in a move that the government calls a ‘paradigm shift’.

Authorities aim to belatedly reverse the course of decades of leniency.

But how? The answer is controversial.

The Minister of Migration has now announced it will pay up to $34,000 for migrants to return to their home of origin.