
Jeremiah 18:8, “If that Nation Against Which I Have Spoken Turns from Its Evil, I will Relent of the Disaster that I Planned to Bring on It”

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Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr.

America Sins – image by Grok

As the US Congress is debating the Continuing Resolution (CR) that authorizes the national budget, most are concerned about the government shut-down that will occur if the CR is not passed. “Woe!” is being sounded by various Congressional members announcing the calamitous ruin that will fall upon our nation if the CR is not passed by 01 October 2024. The calamity is NOT coming because the CR is not passed. The calamity is coming because of our nation’s evil. Evil has resulted because our national leaders have rejected God and trusted on self-serving agendas.

Benjamin Franklin’s words are as true today as when first sounded: “I’ve lived,